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Cottage – Cabin – Chalet

The cabin area on screw piles

To have the impression of living in the treetops, there is nothing better than putting cabins on stilts. 

To have the impression of living in the treetops, there is nothing better than putting cabins on stilts. 

This is what the founders of Domaine Kabine de Sutton did. They built tree-level cabins near the beautiful Sutton Natural Park. Their goal is to offer an exceptional tourist accommodation experience in the Eastern Townships for all lovers of the outdoors. 

To make sure they were building their project on something solid; they trusted our experts at Vistech Hautes-Yamaska ​​to install 84 screw piles, all in the space of one week. 

As these cabins are made up of several components, it was necessary to ensure that each of them was optimally supported taking into consideration their function and the construction materials used. To accomplish this, Stéphane Bergeron, the dealer of Vistech Haute-Yamaska ​​since 1995, set up different pile heads adapted to the needs of each component the project. 

One of the challenges that Stéphane encountered during this project is the presence of rocks in the ground. While our piles are screwed very easily into the earth using a mini excavator, rock is another story! This is where Stéphane’s experience and expertise came in handy, using Vistech’s methods to anchor the pile to the rock permanently. 

Vistech screw piles have made it possible to reduce the costs and time constructing the cabins, because our certified installers can lay a screw pile foundation for a cabin in the space of a day, requiring only light machinery and therefore limiting damage to the ground with a team of only two people. 

And you, do you have a cabin project to be built on a solid foundation? 

Vistech Screw Piles: building on solid ground since 1995!