Qu’on se le dise: on a été reçus comme des rois!
Caravane is in charlevoix

Qu’on se le dise: on a été reçus comme des rois!
From one stage to the next, we are sketching a portrait of the country in which lives the most authentic, passionate, and generous people.
After Saguenay-Lac-Saint Jean, we had around 1200km to go before arriving at our next destination, Prince Edward Island, where we were to meet with Kirk MacLeod, the Postech Dealer for the region.
On May 31st, several Postech Maritime as well as a Postech Maine dealers came together, led by Daniel Smith, to install screw piles for the future “Rebecca Schofield All World Super Play Park” in Riverview near Moncton.
In the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region, screw piles are a real family thing!
On our travels between Kenora and Winnipeg, we officially hit the center of Canada in Manitoba. Night had fallen before we could arrive at the symbolic sign, so to immortalize our trip here, we had to get creative! The whole team participated in lighting the area so we could each write down our attachment to Canada, an attachment that this road trip has only strengthened.
Vistech screw piles are definitely a family thing!
Run, Chester, Run! The #Postechroadtrip team recently stopped by Moncton, NB to visit Chester Dana, our Postech Moncton dealer.
The Postech road trip continues its progress toward the West, and it wasn’t until dusk that we hit the “border” of Saskatchewan and Alberta.
For their first stop in Ontario, the Postech Road Trip team headed to Niagara Falls, home of Postech Niagara dealer Ray Joncas.
The city of Bracebridge, part of the Muskoka region, is home to Santa’s famous village. But what the Road Trip team would soon find out is that it is also the favourite spot of another mythical character: the Professor.
London, Ontario is the hometown of dealer Paul Campbell and installer Lauren Gilleno of Postech London, and so the pride they have for their territory is unmistakable. For five years, Paul has serviced Middlesex county and beyond.
For their last stop of the road trip, Hélène and Mario headed to Ottawa, ON right in time to celebrate Canada Day with the Postech Ottawa team.
We’ve unpacked all our suitcases, our heads full of memories. Among our team, we still tell several jokes and stories from our trip on our discussion group. We go through the final edits and final subtitling.
The Postech Road Trip just finished out a long journey from one end of the country to the other, visiting several dealers of the Postech Nation.