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Our Franchisees

The Postech Road Trip’s Conquest of the West

Our RV ticks up the kilometres and as our chapter in east Canada comes to a close, we are already reminiscing fondly on our camping beginnings, our problem with incompatible plugs, and the little mechanical breakdown in Moncton.

Our RV ticks up the kilometres and as our chapter in east Canada comes to a close, we are already reminiscing fondly on our camping beginnings, our problem with incompatible plugs, and the little mechanical breakdown in Moncton. But most importantly, and best of all, we remember the meetings we had along the way. Around the fire, just during nightfall at camp, each of us went over our souvenir postcards, our favorite filming memories, a restaurant on the road that we loved, the friends following our adventures, and how my family is discovering the country I chose through our articles and videos.

Looking back, we all made the same observation: Postech Nation is alive, and very much flourishing! And everyone in it is passionate; the dealers are some of the most engaged people we’ve met. They live up to their motto, “Friendly and Professional” perfectly. It is in this spirit that we leave to see our colleagues in the west, as we have already met nearly half of the dealers on our itinerary. Bring on Ontario and Lake Superior! Bring on the Prairies, Manitoba in the country’s centre, the Rockies, and the Pacific. Bring on more excellent meetings so that we can share them with all of you.

Postech Niagara : Meet Ray Joncas…

Our first stop: Niagara Falls to meet up with Ray Joncas. It has been barely two years since he came to this region, after having worked hard in areas all around the country, yet he already knows this place like the back of his hand. “I am curious by nature,” he explained. “And I love learning about the history of the places that I move to. And my job as a dealer is certain to bring me to travel the territory, meet so many people, and allow me to make my own map!”

…and Little Beaver!

We went to go see one of his solarium projects that morning: a precise and pretty work, sturdily supported on six Postech screw piles that meld impeccably with the décor.

After that, we stopped by Marcel Dionne’s diner. Our team is a bunch of Hockey fans, and this stop was not to be missed! And the old NHL star was even there while we were, and Ray was able to introduce us. After a few photos, the conversation flowed and the ex-hockey player proved very talkative. “Is that a 33-Footer?” he asked, with a keen eye. “Yeah, you got it!” It reminds him of his time on the road. He loves our project; the conversation was right up his alley. We went to Marcel Dionne’s as much for the person as for the menu, but his geniality and good humour certainly charmed our little team.

Falls, terroir…and Professor Jackson?

On this beautiful Saturday afternoon in June, there are crowds amassed at Niagara Falls amid full sun and fair weather. This is my first experience seeing them. They’re tall. Powerful. Loud. And the droplets of water splashing the middle of the crowd was very welcome. It was a grand spectacle and with the sun shining, a big rainbow punctuated the scene. Below, the little boats brought people just to the feet of the falls. “Blue for Americans, red for Canadians.” Ray mentioned to me.

We took the ropeway in order to look over things from a bit higher, with less people. We were taken to the store l’Érablière, where Ray’s wife Joanne works. He showed me local products, which were a true delight! I packed some in my suitcases. I promised myself that I would only buy souvenirs if they were made in-house, and especially if they had a great story behind them!

And already, the day drew to a close. Ray showed us a final viewpoint. And it was with Lake Ontario as our backdrop that we said our goodbyes. “Next time, I will take you to see some more remote places. Beaches with barely anyone on them… It’s so beautiful here!” he told us with a smile, as we boarded our RV once more. Then it’s settled; we’ll be back to see it, Ray! And while we wait for that time, we prepare to head to Muskoka, where Rob Jackson is expecting us. “You’re going to see the professor then? Tell him I said hi!” Ray yells to us. Now we’re really intrigued!